Thursday, May 12, 2011

Holly Hell's Bells!

Scotty McCreery must be in cahoots with Jesus AND Satan because this just happened.

How does someone receive credit when they're thousands of miles away? This kid has some voodoo working for him apparently.

American Idol Recap

This blogger did better than I could - especially since my interest in the show is waning considerably since Scotty and James remain in the running and Lauren is becoming just another face in the crowd to me. Haley should win, but let's face it, American teens hate diversity...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Paging Emma Stone

I do not like Emma Stone as a blonde. She looks sickly. Especially with the gold eye shadow she's been coveting the past few weeks.

Go back to being a red head - it was so very good for you!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Soul Surfer Review

Good movie. I followed Bethany Hamilton's story when it all happened years ago, thus I was influenced to see the movie to relive the news articles I suppose. She's a strong individual and kudos to her for not giving up on herself when so many people do with a lot less trauma in their lives.

That being said ... was it so necessary to talk about religion every two minutes? And did they really (seriously) kill the shark that ate her arm?? Well, that just tells God how much you love his earth and creatures, huh? So after the first 45 minutes when I'd heard them speak about religion about 15 times and then after seeing a dead shark (even if it was fake) hanging from a Caterpillar crane, I gave up on the movie.

And you can't argue with the theater to get your money back, and Hollywood certainly won't refund money to patrons who are offended in some way.

Entertainment should not be the voice of religious or political beliefs or disbeliefs. End of story. When you add either said to the mix you're going to offend someone. Let the crooked politicians and crooked religious nuts ruin the world (because they're doing a great job on their own) and let Hollywood simply entertain. I don't always go to movies to think, sometimes (most of the time) it's to get away from thinking, things that bother me in real life, etc.

I guess I'd give it a 2.5 out of 4 ... because like I said, it's a good movie. I'm just not going to buy it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sarah's Personal Blog

View it here and follow her

Pregnant In Heels: The Couple Not Intelligent Enough to Name Their Own Child

This show premiered on April 5 apparently and I got sucked into it today because my own child is with his dad until Tuesday ... First of all, Rosie Pope looks like my friend April Love, no joke. They even have the same lisp. It's sort of cool.

Secondly, Rosie was hired by a Manhattan couple who obviously don't know what causes babies because they couldn't even perform the simple task of naming him. This has nothing to do with money or class, this has everything to do with intelligence. If you can't name a child on your own with a name that means something to you and not what others think, then you shouldn't be allowed to hold the responsibility of forming someone into a capable, independent human being.

Bravo (no pun intended; show is hosted by Bravo) to Rosie for setting herself up nicely off of dumb rich folk.

couple: "The name can't start with J, no Es or Rs, and it can't end with an S because we think that's weird."
me: "Say hello to my son, JamES! Named him on my own, took me about two seconds to think of it. I saved myself lots of money!"

Read Rosie's blog, because she's cute.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

You Need to Know Lindi Ortega

I first heard Lindi Ortega via Myspace (yeah, I just dated myself a little) on a Monday in January 2006 ... two days later I was seated in a tattoo parlor having her lyrics ("It could be worse... You could be feeling nothing at all) injected into my veins (sort of quite literally).

Lindi has all the makings of a star: great voice, awesome look, talent.

Lindi is also very real. I'm writing this after watching videos she has posted on her YouTube, photos I've seen on her Facebook. I love that though we've never met, all because of her music, the internet, and/or because I spontaneously decided her words need to be with me forever, no matter how blurry the lines become over the years, we have become what I think of as friends, in a sense.

So, I'm raising my Dia de los Muertos flask full of Jack Daniels to one incredible chica. Here's to you, lady! *clink*

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pia Toscano, Everyone Knows Your Name

If you follow American Idol then you probably witnessed the shocking (or, "shocking", depending on where you stand) elimination of Pia Toscano, makeup artist/singer.

I watched some of the first season, it was lacking. This season I tuned in, honestly, to gawk and swoon over Steven Tyler (let's take a swoon second, shall we - here) and was very surprised to see some of the people auditioning. I was actually tuning in week to week to see if some people just made great first impressions simply because they had been practicing their audition song. But, as it turns out, everyone chosen to compete is really good.

Now, I do not like Scotty, I do not understand why he keeps getting sent on to the next week. I have to admit, watching him advance while Pia who is actually a great singer got eliminated. It makes me really question this whole leaving it up to American teenage girls to vote for the next "musical sensation."

Also I thought it was HILARIOUS how Jennifer Lopez and the audience had no idea how to take Iggy Pop.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mobbed Premiere

Mobbed premiered this past Thursday and when I think about it I still say "HOLY SHIT!" The most elaborate proposal ever tricked the girl into getting married right on the spot. I'm not big on marriage, I can't even stay in a relationship happily after a couple of months, but I think even I would be so overwhelmed by what was going on that I too would say yes to a proposal and immediately follow it with a wedding.

It's a great show idea stemming from Youtube videos of flash mobs. The fact that this guy was the one to think it up AND get funding for it first makes me wonder, "who's running FOX?" Maybe it's this germaphobe.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Economic Crisis? Really?

For a few years we've all been hearing about (and feeling) this economic crisis. Throughout the whole ordeal where people have been struggling, going hungry, working part-time for minimum wage (because it's all that seems to be offered), and watching the cost of living go higher and higher, one thing has remained constant. Game shows, home decorating shows, and contests have been getting bigger budgets, bigger amounts of money they can give away to lucky winners. If we have no money - where is this money coming from? And why does it seem that with home decorating shows in particular, it's to people who could do the job themselves but lack creativity? Give someone who is truly struggling a little pick me up. It won't help their job situation, but maybe if they walk into their renovated kitchen that only cost the show up to $1,000, maybe there will be some similance of happiness in their life.

Rich people do not need help in finances and renovations. They should have a cap on these shows, like income-based apartments, and if your combined gross annual income is more than the cap, you can't enter.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Beginning is Near, Snarklets!

Sarah is moved in, now we're just waiting on Liz to get her move done with. (And her computer fixed.) What reality shows, pop culture personalities, or trends do you want to read about??

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Remembering Liz

Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor
February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011

Easily one of the most beautiful people to grace the last 3-4 generations, we're taking a moment to remember someone who was nothing short of a legend. From child star to box office golden girl to indie foreign film actress, Liz was, and always will be, someone no actress since could compare to. We didn't know her in person, but she had an impact on both of our lives none the less.

Marilyn was pretty and sweet with a big dash of sex slapped all over her, sure. Rita was the spicy red-headed Latina with killer legs and the most goregous eye lashes I'd ever seen. Then there was Elizabeth Taylor. I was just a baby when I first remember seeing her. I can't tell you which of her films I was watching, maybe National Velvet because I was a kid. At first sight I knew I was seeing something special. As a kid, I didn't know I was watching "classic films" instead of new ones; to me, everything was new and exciting. Raven hair, the perfect nose, flawless skin, and I literally got to watch her grow up as I grew up. Liz was like my best friend I'd never known. I always felt I'd been born in the wrong era (and state), but watching her I learned what truly amazing acting was. She was so sweet and ladylike up until the 50s and then in the 60s something ignited and suddenly she was raw and unbrideled drama, anger, fire. Those violet eyes were full of passion and brimstone. No actress since can pull off a verbal assault quite like she can and I never even had the guts to try it for myself. She's going to be terribly missed and whenever I see a bottle of White Diamonds I will probably feel a little tug on the heartstrings, but I know she's back with the people she belongs with: Montgomery Clift, Rock Hudson, James Dean, and of course Richard Burton.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two Snarky Bitches

Snark, by definition via Urban Dictionary: (our top 5)
1. noun
Combination of "snide" and "remark". Sarcastic comment(s).
Also snarky (adj.) and snarkily (adv.)
2. Use of sarcasm or malice in speech. Commonly found in the LiveJournal community.
3. Biting, cruel humor or wit, commonly used to verbally attack someone or something.
4. Verbal ingenuineness that is brief, subtle, yet quite stabbing. snark is often marked by deep creativity & use of psychological attack. It employs coldbloodedness and is best served unprovoked. Snark can contain hidden complimentary meaning under a mean face, but it hurts more than it strengthens.
5. A punctuation mark added at the end of a sentence to show sarcasm or irony
Represented in casual typing with a period followed by a tilde (.~)

Let us make it known that we do not intend to use snarking as a form of bullying in any way, shape, or form. We merely write out running commentaries of what we're thinking while watching the reality shows, awards shows, sports games, or just what we see when we're out in Indy.

Why we created this blog: Superbowl 2011 really kicked things off for us, shortly followed by the Oscars. Through the magical world of Facebook we had running commentaries during those two particular shows (as opposed to just sitting in the same room and talking to each other, of course) and we were quite a hit with our friends. Then one mutual friend (Mizz) suggested we get our own show. Being us, we thought (over Facebook updates), "Why didn't we think of that?!" Mizz wanted to name it SnL (Sizz 'n' Liz), but naturally Saturday Night Live (tm) might have something to say about that one.

So we took damn near a month to come up with something we thought would work for us. A blog named Something to Snark About.

So bare with us while we work out any kinks (unless you're into kinks...wait, wrong blog) and get this motha fired up! Our ultimate aim is to climax up to next year's awards season (and Superbowl oddly enough) with livestreaming video of us watching the shows and relaying our snarky comments to you. We'll see how that goes, but here's hoping.

So break out your favorite beverage and sit back while we post everything you might be thinking about the people we see on TV. Who are these people anyway?!

xoxo Sarah and Liz