Friday, April 8, 2011

Pia Toscano, Everyone Knows Your Name

If you follow American Idol then you probably witnessed the shocking (or, "shocking", depending on where you stand) elimination of Pia Toscano, makeup artist/singer.

I watched some of the first season, it was lacking. This season I tuned in, honestly, to gawk and swoon over Steven Tyler (let's take a swoon second, shall we - here) and was very surprised to see some of the people auditioning. I was actually tuning in week to week to see if some people just made great first impressions simply because they had been practicing their audition song. But, as it turns out, everyone chosen to compete is really good.

Now, I do not like Scotty, I do not understand why he keeps getting sent on to the next week. I have to admit, watching him advance while Pia who is actually a great singer got eliminated. It makes me really question this whole leaving it up to American teenage girls to vote for the next "musical sensation."

Also I thought it was HILARIOUS how Jennifer Lopez and the audience had no idea how to take Iggy Pop.

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